custom/plugins/NetiNextStoreLocator/src/Resources/views/storefront/store_locator/list/index.twig line 1

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  1. {% block neti_store_locator_list_container %}
  2.     <div class="store-container-wrapper" ref="storeContainerWrapper" :class="{ 'd-none': !storeListing && isMobile }">
  3.         <div class="stores-container flex" ref="storesContainer">
  4.             {% block neti_store_locator_list_empty_result %}
  5.                 <div
  6.                         class="alert-empty-result w-100"
  7.                         v-if="filteredStores.length <= 0 && !isLoadingStores && storesWereLoadedOnce && !searchResultShouldBeHidden"
  8.                 >
  9.                     {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/utilities/alert.html.twig' with {
  10.                         type:"warning",
  11.                         content: ""|trans
  12.                     } %}
  13.                 </div>
  14.             {% endblock %}
  15.             {% block neti_store_locator_list_empty_result_manual_loading %}
  16.                 <div
  17.                         class="alert-empty-result w-100"
  18.                         v-if="filteredStores.length <= 0 && !isLoadingStores && !config.autoloadStores && !storesWereLoadedOnce"
  19.                 >
  20.                     {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/utilities/alert.html.twig' with {
  21.                         type:"warning",
  22.                         content: ""|trans
  23.                     } %}
  24.                 </div>
  25.             {% endblock %}
  26.             {% block neti_store_locator_list_empty_result_keywords_required %}
  27.                 <div
  28.                         class="alert-empty-result w-100"
  29.                         v-if="searchResultShouldBeHidden && !isLoadingStores && storesWereLoadedOnce"
  30.                 >
  31.                     {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/utilities/alert.html.twig' with {
  32.                         type:"warning",
  33.                         content: ""|trans
  34.                     } %}
  35.                 </div>
  36.             {% endblock %}
  37.             {% block neti_store_locator_list_spinner %}
  38.                 <div class="spinner-container" v-if="isLoadingStores">
  39.                     <div class="spinner-border spinner" role="status">
  40.                         <span class="sr-only">
  41.                             {{ ""|trans }}
  42.                         </span>
  43.                     </div>
  44.                 </div>
  45.             {% endblock %}
  46.             {% block neti_store_locator_list_item %}
  47.                 <neti-store-locator-store
  48.                         v-for="(store, key) in filteredStores"
  49.                         :map="map"
  50.                         :location="currentLocation"
  51.                         :config="config"
  52.                         :store="store" :key="key"
  53.                         :selected="selectedStore === store"
  54.                 ></neti-store-locator-store>
  55.             {% endblock %}
  56.         </div>
  57.     </div>
  58. {% endblock %}